Hambert's Dumb Adventure Shopping Cart Carnage Erase Invaders Kitten Juggling Six Pack Man Bad Scientist Pizza Topper Bunny Blocks The Treasure of Butterstuff Island Through The Great Haplandian Reef
Welcome to SCP Movies!
SCP Movies is the Official Home of Smiley Crew Productions. It houses not just movies, but cartoons, books, games, Mobile Apps, and anything else that comes along the way. It would be dumb of me to say that this website is a large group of people producing cartoons, video games, movies, and more. It would also be dumb of me to say that I did this alone.

Hi. I'm Noah B. Wilson. This is my brain.

I, along with a lot of my cool friends, have been making a bunch of stuff under the call sign of Smiley Crew Productions since 1998. Members have come and gone over the years but one things remains the same, and that's me. I'm obsessed with creation and learning how to create on as many mediums as possible. It started with movies in high school, cable access television shortly after, video games and cartoons in college, and now just whatever the hell I can come up with.

I will always do 100% original work. Sure, I do parodies and what not, but don't expect any rip-offs, gimicks, or trend-follow bullshit from me. Only original jokes, skits, and cartoons. It may not help me hit mainstream, but oh well. Enjoy!
Latest News
6-15-15 - I've moved away from updating this timeline and am updating at SCP Games instead. Movies are kinda ... done.
5-10-15 - After some time away with other things, back to work on mainly one thing: The Viking Bunnies. While I do hope to make other games/Apps this year, The Viking Bunnies really needs to be my focus. Cannial! The Musical: The Game is still being held up with some legal stuff, but will come out eventually. Time to get focused and make my first 'huge' game.
11-8-14 - I am happy to say that all the apps I needed to get updated have been updated: Shopping Cart Carnage, Hambert's Dumb Adventure, Six Pack Man, and even Super Fit Land. I am going to revisit Waffletime now, and possibly release new projects Brain Goop, new game Squid Ninja, and of course continue work on Cannibal! The Musical: The Game.
10-20-14 - After over a month of sitting on the sidelines, it looks as though Apple and Adobe are friends again for the moment. Updates to Shopping Cart Carnage, Erase Invaders, Hambert's Dumb Adventure, and Six Pack Man are all on the way. I am also working on a bigger game for a friend of mine which I am extremely excited about: Cannibal! The Musical: The Game based upon the movie Cannibal! The Musical. It will be the official game for the movie, too! It won't be out until March, though. I hope to release Waffletime and The Viking Bunnies before then. Anarchy Island and Robot Gardens are both in the pipeline of development. Things are happening, just not as fast as they might have been happening four months ago.
9-15-14 - Bunny Balloons is now available for download. Apple is changing things up on their end (as usual), and is really starting to slow me down. A new book for The Viking Bunnies is on the way, as is a larger game for them. I am swaying away from the smaller Apps for the time being, but I will get back to them eventually. Waffletime, Coffee Crisis, and Jobin The Penguin will have to wait.
8-16-14 - Another big batch if Apps is on the way, and one of my favorite Apps is probably going to get a whole lot bigger. New games Six Pack Man, Waffletime, Jobin The Penguin, Golf Wars, and Coffee Crisis are all due out in August / September while my mega-game Anarchy Island is going to get a lot of 'simulation' elements. This will push the release date back, but also make the game so much bigger. In contrast to what I wanted to do before, you will play the game as 'yourself', you will have moved into an abandon house, and you will be able to set up / show off your house to other players. The game will be both a Top-View style and a Side-View style, prodiving both RPG elements and platformer elements. I really hope to have this game out before the end of the year ... but that all depends on how many of these other smaller Apps I want to make as well ... and there is a long list.
7-24-14 - Blarg. Time to write a crazy post here. Been doing so much over at SCPgames.com that I forgot to keep this up to date. Anyway, Bad Scientist is and Pizza Topper are now available. Bunny Blocks and Hambert's Dumb Adventure have both been delayed. Expect them next week. I am eager to get started on a new batch of 'platformer' games that will include new games Waffletime, Monster Escape (name pending), Pipe Cleaners, and Golf Wars. There is a new mega-game and a new character I am super-excited about, although the game will take some time. The game is called Dave The Yeti, and it is more of a sim-rpg that will focus on collecting, sharing, and doing various mini-missions in an ever-growing world. It will play similar to Animal Crossing and Legend of Zelda.
7-21-14 - Shopping Cart Carnage is now available for download.
7-1-14 - Super Fit Land is up and running! Check it out at www.superfitland.com ... or just download it! It's free!
6-25-14 - Been off working on SCP Games and Super Fit Land. Now back over here to update the site. Cartoons still coming back in September. Lots of new Apps coming out in July. Visit www.superfitland.com ... the newest addition to the SCP Family.
4-15-14 - I have taken SCP Movies down to revamp it and create its new brother SCP Games. My focus is shifting to Mobile Apps for a while with cartoons to return in September.
1-10-14 - Upon discovering that I can infact make Flash Apps for Mobile Devices (I'm slow sometimes), I'm going to be shifting gears to bring Anarchy Island, The Viking Bunnies, and other stuff to iPhones and iPads. Hopefully I will have something to show for it soon!
1-4-14 - I sat down and made two new videos for Super Smart Land. I am trying to team up with someone to get this site going. I still feel like it could go really far if it could just get some life flowing into it. Better now than never, right?
12-3-13 - The Viking Bunnies have yet another new book out! Hurray! I'm going to be taking a break from all the writing to develop their site, games, merch, and maybe even a cartoon. I still plan on having two more books out before April (one brand new, one remastered from the old style).
10-21-14 - I can't slow down with The Viking Bunnies; their new book (#3) is already about 60% done. I do have a fair number of pages to draw still, but the text and layout is all done. This is a 're-telling' of the Ninja Hamsters book I had written before, only this time the Ninja Hamsters have a stronger 'Japanese-twist' on their village and island. Also also also... I have a pretty awesome idea for The Viking Bunnies' video game Plunderquest (which will probably get a name change in the coming weeks). While the game will be simple and designed for younger kids to play, it should still be fun for all ages. It will be part interactive story, part "game marathon" as you will have to complete several mini games in order to help The Viking Bunnies find treasure. There will be sailing. There will be swining. There will also be a built in system that will let you design your own Viking Bunny and become the 5th member of the crew. Who will you be?
10-16-13 - Been hard at work trying to get a slightly new layout going for the site. There is a lot still to do and there is a lot of cool new things as well! The Queue updates automatically six times a day with cool content. Eventually I will be getting new content in there such as Tallow Farm, Viking Bunnies, and Anarchy Island. Also, there is a new bunny book out, so get it! I'd love to keep writing here, but there is more work to be done!
9-29-13 - I've been super-busy trying to get Robot Gardens ready for November 1st, but I am taking some time this week to complete a new Viking Bunny book. I don't know what else to say about that other than things are moving and moving fast!
9-1-13 - September 1st always marks the anniversary for Smiley Crew Productions going back to 1999, so yay for us! As a present to you, we are releasing the betas for our Landscape Editor for our new mega-game Robot Gardens. I am really excited about this game because it is so easy to make new areas. I don't think I'll get bored of making this game like what happened with all those games like Adventures In Chaos City, Homcidial Puppets, and Anarchy Island (which is still coming back for more using this same editor). Play with it, make some levels. Later on, you can submit them and they might actually become part of the game! The Game itself still has more work to be done. I am hoping for a very early 2014 official launch.
8-26-13 - So after having taken some time off to venture back into the world of Video Game Development, I am happy to say that Robot Gardens (a project that sat on the shelf for a very long time) is already deep into production. This time instead of making my 'game levels' in Flash, I just made a 'game creator' with Flash and then use that to make the levels of Robot Gardens. What's even better is that you will soon be able to use it too! What's even EVEN better is I plan on using the same level editor to remake Anarchy Island with a more Legend of Zelda style. It's like two games made in the time it takes to make one. Speaking of time, I can now make a level in about half an hour as opposed to the 3-4 days it took me to make levels for Anarchy Island. Hopefully this will help those two franchises grow.
7-29-13 - The brand new book for The Viking Bunnies has arrived! It's the new-style bunnies: more detailed, a bit more comical, and a lot more enjoyable. This new style will translate much better into cartoons and video games as well. In addition to the new book, The Viking Bunnies have a brand new website and merchandise! I am working on the first Viking Bunny Video Games as well as a second book that I hope to release in October. The bunnies are back!
More News
The Viking Bunnies Are Coming!
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